Labels:book | reckoner | sky OCR: CeDFOn final quarter helped stake Houston to a 12-10 halftime lead. It remained that way until the first play O to give period when Arizona quar terback Schroeder threw 13-yard touchdown pass Gary Cla and Ron his team the lead for good The touchdown-set by Schroedet 42-yard completion FO Clark rMarshall Moore's 2-point conver sion run gave the Cardinals an 18-121 lead Moments later, linebacker Willb oustons strippec Oilers quarterback Bucky Bichar dson Of the ball and safety Terry Hoage recovered ar 10-yard line to set up Greg Daviss 23-yard field goal for a sion 21-12 advantage 1:58 into the fourth quarter Hoage intercepted a pass on the Oilers next poss uchdown returned it 41 yards FO Houstons 17 Four plays later Larry Centers ran 4 yards for his secondt the game and the Cardinals had pu ...